Ha well i dnt know whether am eligible to talk about this topic for some may think its...mmm how do i know others' thoughts..:-) Usually v all have the concept that love in schools in just an infatuation but i think there is a need to think in deep abt the so called infatuation..coz v cant jus say a relation as so cos there are so many egs around us whose school time affairs have come to reality...there may be sincere as well as just an attraction or 'vibration'..
In today's world the way for affairs are usually chats, mob n such stuffs..can v really trust such stuffs in selecting our life's friend???one among the few questions that v-youth get irritated na... I may say that such relations are almost 99% flop.. how can v be sure of other person's identity, his/her looks,behaviour n all...v know jus what they are exhibiting to us through jus their words,how to trust mere words while living in a world where its difficult even to believe our eyes???but its quite natural for many to fall in such pits..but the thing is when u realize that show the courage to get out it n get fresh again rather than wasting ur time for some 'frauds'..
What i have felt is all these relations..'love' is jus a stupidity..a real waste of time n money... a boy n gal having chit chats for inhuman limits...wasting the most precious thing in life.."time"...is it the way to show ur love...love doesnt need any show off..it jus need the concern of both individuals...but wats dat happens in the name of love??? love is something sacred n using such a word for youngsters stupidity is really heartbreaking....many may keep saying 'i love her/him'..but before u say so jus think is love or flirting the apt word....
Its better not to get into any such relations..but if it happens to be..never go blind in such relations n get into a fantasy world..this is the basic requirement i feel...when a relation breaks dont sit bak crying for that..v may feel sad that should for jus minutes or hours...tears are also precious..it must not be wated for someone..no one can say its impossible bcos its possible..100%possible...trust me i never say anything that i cant do or i havent gone through...whatever happens be cool n cheerful..always remain happy wear a smile... never ever break down n spoil our life for someone who never loved us...for today's slogan of most guys is 'use n throw'...
nb:am not a feminist...by the last statement i never mean that boys are only frauds...gals can also be so....n am jus saying about a group not as whole...
but you make me cry.................
ReplyDeletepavam fraud!!